With the news about Snowflake Summit ramping up, I’d like to take a look at a feature that was announced at the last Summit :
Memoizable functions
Now, these functions allow your functions to make use of the cache!
The benefit of using a memoizable function is to improve performance for complex queries, such as multiple-column lookups in mapping tables referenced within a row access policy or masking policy.
We’re starting everyone off easy though to simple find a number that can be used more often. For this we’re using a sample dataset that should be in your account. If you don’t have access , the code below the challenge to get access :
– Use the SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA.TPCH_SF100 Sample dataset
– Create a memoizable function that returns the Revenue ( Extended_Price with taking into account the given discount) for the European Region.
HELP! I don’t have the sample dataset
— Create a database from the share.
— Grant the PUBLIC role access to the database.
— Optionally change the role name to restrict access to a subset of users.
6 responses to “Week 40 – Basic”
Thanks for continuing to bring attention to new features
- Solution URL – https://github.com/ChrisHastieIW/Frosty-Friday
Thank you for the Memoizable challenge.
- Solution URL – https://github.com/mateusz-kmon/frostyfridaychallenges/blob/main/w40.sql
Here’s my solution. I found this post from Filipe Hoffa helpful in understanding what a memoizable function does. https://medium.com/snowflake/faster-snowflake-udfs-and-policies-with-memoizable-b84544c1bf5
- Solution URL – https://github.com/apd-jlaird/frosty-friday/blob/main/week_40/ff_week_40.sql
Neat functionality. Thanks!
- Solution URL – http://dvd-il-bucket-public.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/#!/model/model.frosty.challenge_40
that was a memorable one
- Solution URL – https://github.com/NMangera/frosty_friday/blob/main/week%2040%20-%20basic/Memoizable%20Functions
This solution uses a memoizable function by providing the ‘MEMOIZABLE’ keyword in the function creation and calls it later in the SELECT statement using the table from the Snowflake sample. The function parameters (extended_price and discount) and the column names (l.extendedprice and l.discount) can be different because what matters is the real values (arguments) passed during the function call.
- Solution URL – https://github.com/GerganaAK/FrostyFridays/blob/main/Week%2040%20-%20Basic
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