It’s been a while since we had a Snowpark challenge, has it not?
OK, take the following code:
Start Up Code
import snowflake.snowpark as snowpark
from snowflake.snowpark.functions import col
def main(session: snowpark.Session):
tableName = 'snowflake.account_usage.tables'
dataframe = session.table(tableName)
return dataframe
And edit it so you get the following result:

There are three conditions:
1 – the table must not be transient
2 – the table must not have been deleted
3 – the table must have more than 0 rows
This should be done in a Python worksheet!
Good luck!
3 responses to “Week 66 – Intermediate”
It’s always fun seeing the Python challenges. It’s a good reminder that Snowflake isn’t restricted to just SQL. Thanks!
- Solution URL –
I’ve been following the Frosty Friday challanges for a while, but only now I found the time to tackle the proposed challange. Hope this will become a habbit 🙂
Nice bit of practice with dataframes
- Solution URL –
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