Être un méchant est déjà assez difficile en soi, et les problèmes de données ne sont pas uniquement réservés aux gentils. Les méchants ont beaucoup de r-projets et d’informations à suivre, et EVIL INC. a commencé à utiliser Snowflake pour ses besoins.
Cependant, vous avez remarqué que la partie la plus importante de vore base de données a été divulguée : les pouvoirs secrets !
Heureusement, vous avez mis en place des tags pour vous permettre de suivre qui a accédé à quelles informations !
Votre défi consiste à déterminer qui a accédé aux données qui ont été marquées avec le tag “Level Super Secret A+++++++”.
Comme il pourrait être un peu difficile de créer des utilisateurs pour accéder aux données, nous utilisons des rôles à la place des utilisateurs.
Voici le code d’initialisation que nous voulons que vous exécutiez avant le défi. Notez que account_usage met 2 heures à se mettre à jour, nous vous suggérons donc d’exécuter le code ci-dessous, puis de revenir au défi au moins deux heures plus tard.
Si vous souhaitez créer une nouvelle base de données et un nouveau schéma pour ce défi…
-- Create Database
create or replace database FF_WEEK_7;
create or replace warehouse compute_wh with warehouse_size='X-SMALL';
use database FF_WEEK_7;
-- Create Schemas
create schema super_weapons;
create schema super_monsters;
create schema super_villains;
-- Create Tables and Mock data
create or replace table super_villains.villain_information (
id INT,
first_name VARCHAR(50),
last_name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50),
Alter_Ego VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (1, 'Chrissy', 'Riches', 'criches0@ning.com', 'Waterbuck, defassa');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (2, 'Libbie', 'Fargher', 'lfargher1@vistaprint.com', 'Ibis, puna');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (3, 'Becka', 'Attack', 'battack2@altervista.org', 'Falcon, prairie');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (4, 'Euphemia', 'Whale', 'ewhale3@mozilla.org', 'Egyptian goose');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (5, 'Dixie', 'Bemlott', 'dbemlott4@moonfruit.com', 'Eagle, long-crested hawk');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (6, 'Giffard', 'Prendergast', 'gprendergast5@odnoklassniki.ru', 'Armadillo, seven-banded');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (7, 'Esmaria', 'Anthonies', 'eanthonies6@biblegateway.com', 'Cat, european wild');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (8, 'Celine', 'Fotitt', 'cfotitt7@baidu.com', 'Clark''s nutcracker');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (9, 'Leopold', 'Axton', 'laxton8@mac.com', 'Defassa waterbuck');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (10, 'Tadeas', 'Thorouggood', 'tthorouggood9@va.gov', 'Armadillo, nine-banded');
create or replace table super_monsters.monster_information (
id INT,
monster VARCHAR(50),
hideout_location VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (1, 'Northern elephant seal', 'Huangban');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (2, 'Paddy heron (unidentified)', 'Várzea Paulista');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (3, 'Australian brush turkey', 'Adelaide Mail Centre');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (4, 'Gecko, tokay', 'Tafí Viejo');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (5, 'Robin, white-throated', 'Turośń Kościelna');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (6, 'Goose, andean', 'Berezovo');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (7, 'Puku', 'Mayskiy');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (8, 'Frilled lizard', 'Fort Lauderdale');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (9, 'Yellow-necked spurfowl', 'Sezemice');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (10, 'Agouti', 'Najd al Jumā‘ī');
create table super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (
id INT,
created_by VARCHAR(50),
location VARCHAR(50),
catch_phrase VARCHAR(50),
weapon VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (1, 'Ullrich-Gerhold', 'Mazatenango', 'Assimilated object-oriented extranet', 'Fintone');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (2, 'Olson-Lindgren', 'Dvorichna', 'Switchable demand-driven knowledge user', 'Andalax');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (3, 'Rodriguez, Flatley and Fritsch', 'Palmira', 'Persevering directional encoding', 'Toughjoyfax');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (4, 'Conn-Douglas', 'Rukem', 'Robust tangible Graphical User Interface', 'Flowdesk');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (5, 'Huel, Hettinger and Terry', 'Bulawin', 'Multi-channelled radical knowledge user', 'Y-Solowarm');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (6, 'Torphy, Ritchie and Lakin', 'Wang Sai Phun', 'Self-enabling client-driven project', 'Alphazap');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (7, 'Carroll and Sons', 'Digne-les-Bains', 'Profound radical benchmark', 'Stronghold');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (8, 'Hane, Breitenberg and Schoen', 'Huangbu', 'Function-based client-server encoding', 'Asoka');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (9, 'Ledner and Sons', 'Bukal Sur', 'Visionary eco-centric budgetary management', 'Ronstring');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (10, 'Will-Thiel', 'Zafar', 'Robust even-keeled algorithm', 'Tin');
--Create Tags
create or replace tag security_class comment = 'sensitive data';
--Apply tags
alter table super_villains.villain_information set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
alter table super_monsters.monster_information set tag security_class = 'Level B';
alter table super_weapons.weapon_storage_location set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
--Create Roles
create role user1;
create role user2;
create role user3;
--Assign Roles to yourself with all needed privileges
grant role user1 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user1;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant role user2 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user2;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant role user3 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user3;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user3;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user3;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user3;
--Queries to build history
use role user1;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_villains.villain_information;
use role user2;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_monsters.monster_information;
use role user3;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_weapons.weapon_storage_location;
Si vous ne souhaitez pas créer de nouvelles bases de données/schémas pour ce défi…
USE WAREHOUSE <enter_wh_here>;
USE DATABASE <enter_db_here>;
USE SCHEMA <enter_schema_here>;
create or replace table week7_villain_information (
id INT,
first_name VARCHAR(50),
last_name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50),
Alter_Ego VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (1, 'Chrissy', 'Riches', 'criches0@ning.com', 'Waterbuck, defassa');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (2, 'Libbie', 'Fargher', 'lfargher1@vistaprint.com', 'Ibis, puna');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (3, 'Becka', 'Attack', 'battack2@altervista.org', 'Falcon, prairie');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (4, 'Euphemia', 'Whale', 'ewhale3@mozilla.org', 'Egyptian goose');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (5, 'Dixie', 'Bemlott', 'dbemlott4@moonfruit.com', 'Eagle, long-crested hawk');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (6, 'Giffard', 'Prendergast', 'gprendergast5@odnoklassniki.ru', 'Armadillo, seven-banded');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (7, 'Esmaria', 'Anthonies', 'eanthonies6@biblegateway.com', 'Cat, european wild');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (8, 'Celine', 'Fotitt', 'cfotitt7@baidu.com', 'Clark''s nutcracker');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (9, 'Leopold', 'Axton', 'laxton8@mac.com', 'Defassa waterbuck');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (10, 'Tadeas', 'Thorouggood', 'tthorouggood9@va.gov', 'Armadillo, nine-banded');
create or replace table week7_monster_information (
id INT,
monster VARCHAR(50),
hideout_location VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (1, 'Northern elephant seal', 'Huangban');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (2, 'Paddy heron (unidentified)', 'Várzea Paulista');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (3, 'Australian brush turkey', 'Adelaide Mail Centre');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (4, 'Gecko, tokay', 'Tafí Viejo');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (5, 'Robin, white-throated', 'Turośń Kościelna');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (6, 'Goose, andean', 'Berezovo');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (7, 'Puku', 'Mayskiy');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (8, 'Frilled lizard', 'Fort Lauderdale');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (9, 'Yellow-necked spurfowl', 'Sezemice');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (10, 'Agouti', 'Najd al Jumā‘ī');
create table week7_weapon_storage_location (
id INT,
created_by VARCHAR(50),
location VARCHAR(50),
catch_phrase VARCHAR(50),
weapon VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (1, 'Ullrich-Gerhold', 'Mazatenango', 'Assimilated object-oriented extranet', 'Fintone');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (2, 'Olson-Lindgren', 'Dvorichna', 'Switchable demand-driven knowledge user', 'Andalax');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (3, 'Rodriguez, Flatley and Fritsch', 'Palmira', 'Persevering directional encoding', 'Toughjoyfax');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (4, 'Conn-Douglas', 'Rukem', 'Robust tangible Graphical User Interface', 'Flowdesk');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (5, 'Huel, Hettinger and Terry', 'Bulawin', 'Multi-channelled radical knowledge user', 'Y-Solowarm');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (6, 'Torphy, Ritchie and Lakin', 'Wang Sai Phun', 'Self-enabling client-driven project', 'Alphazap');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (7, 'Carroll and Sons', 'Digne-les-Bains', 'Profound radical benchmark', 'Stronghold');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (8, 'Hane, Breitenberg and Schoen', 'Huangbu', 'Function-based client-server encoding', 'Asoka');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (9, 'Ledner and Sons', 'Bukal Sur', 'Visionary eco-centric budgetary management', 'Ronstring');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (10, 'Will-Thiel', 'Zafar', 'Robust even-keeled algorithm', 'Tin');
--Create Tags
create or replace tag security_class comment = 'sensitive data';
--Apply tags
alter table week7_villain_information set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
alter table week7_monster_information set tag security_class = 'Level B';
alter table week7_weapon_storage_location set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
--Create Roles
create role user1;
create role user2;
create role user3;
--Assign Roles to yourself with all needed privileges
grant role user1 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse to role user1;
grant usage on database to role user1;
grant usage on all schemas in database to role user1;
grant select on all tables in database to role user1;
grant role user2 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse to role user2;
grant usage on database to role user2;
grant usage on all schemas in database to role user2;
grant select on all tables in database to role user2;
grant role user3 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse to role user3;
grant usage on database to role user3;
grant usage on all schemas in database to role user3;
grant select on all tables in database to role user3;
--Queries to build history
use role user1;
select * from week7_villain_information;
use role user2;
select * from week7_monster_information;
use role user3;
select * from week7_weapon_storage_location;
Résultat :
Votre réponse devrait ressembler à ce qui suit :
Et n’oubliez pas, si vous souhaitez participer aux défis:
1. Inscrivez-vous en tant que membre de Frosty Friday. –> Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur la barre latérale, puis en cliquant sur ‘REGISTER‘ (notez que s’inscrire à notre liste de diffusion ne vous donne pas de compte Frosty Friday).
2. Publiez votre code sur GitHub et rendez-le accessible au public (consultez notre guide si vous ne savez pas comment faire, disponible ici)
3. Postez l’URL dans les commentaires du défi.
Si vous avez des questions techniques que vous souhaitez poser à la communauté, vous pouvez les poser ici, sur notre thread dédié.
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