Ser un villano ya es bastante difícil y los problemas de datos no son solo un problema para los buenos. Los villanos tienen muchos gastos generales e información para realizar un seguimiento y EVIL INC. ha comenzado a usar Snowflake para sus necesidades.
Sin embargo, te has dado cuenta de que se ha filtrado la parte más importante de tus superarmas: ¡el eslogan!
Afortunadamente, ha configurado el etiquetado para permitirle realizar un seguimiento de cómo accedió a qué información.
Su desafío es descubrir quién accedió a los datos que fueron etiquetados con «Nivel Súper Secreto A+++++++«
Debido a que puede ser demasiado difícil crear usuarios para acceder a los datos, estamos usando roles en lugar de usuarios.
El siguiente es el código preliminar que queremos que ejecute antes del desafío. Tenga en cuenta que account_usage tarda 2 horas en actualizarse, por lo que sugerimos ejecutar el siguiente código y luego volver al desafío al menos un par de horas más tarde.
Si desea crear una nueva base de datos y esquema para este desafío…
-- Crear base de dato
create or replace database FF_WEEK_7;
create or replace warehouse compute_wh with warehouse_size='X-SMALL';
use database FF_WEEK_7;
-- Crear esquemas
create schema super_weapons;
create schema super_monsters;
create schema super_villains;
-- Crear tablas y datos simulados
create or replace table super_villains.villain_information
( id INT, first_name VARCHAR(50),
last_name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50),
Alter_Ego VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (1, 'Chrissy', 'Riches', '', 'Waterbuck, defassa'); insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (2, 'Libbie', 'Fargher', '', 'Ibis, puna'); insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (3, 'Becka', 'Attack', '', 'Falcon, prairie'); insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (4, 'Euphemia', 'Whale', '', 'Egyptian goose'); insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (5, 'Dixie', 'Bemlott', '', 'Eagle, long-crested hawk');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (6, 'Giffard', 'Prendergast', '', 'Armadillo, seven-banded'); insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (7, 'Esmaria', 'Anthonies', '', 'Cat, european wild');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (8, 'Celine', 'Fotitt', '', 'Clark''s nutcracker');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (9, 'Leopold', 'Axton', '', 'Defassa waterbuck');
insert into super_villains.villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (10, 'Tadeas', 'Thorouggood', '', 'Armadillo, nine-banded');
create or replace table super_monsters.monster_information
( id INT,
monster VARCHAR(50),
hideout_location VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (1, 'Northern elephant seal', 'Huangban'); insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (2, 'Paddy heron (unidentified)', 'Várzea Paulista');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (3, 'Australian brush turkey', 'Adelaide Mail Centre'); insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (4, 'Gecko, tokay', 'Tafí Viejo');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (5, 'Robin, white-throated', 'Turośń Kościelna');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (6, 'Goose, andean', 'Berezovo');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (7, 'Puku', 'Mayskiy');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (8, 'Frilled lizard', 'Fort Lauderdale'); insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (9, 'Yellow-necked spurfowl', 'Sezemice');
insert into super_monsters.monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (10, 'Agouti', 'Najd al Jumā‘ī');
create table super_weapons.weapon_storage_location
( id INT, created_by VARCHAR(50),
location VARCHAR(50),
catch_phrase VARCHAR(50),
weapon VARCHAR(50)
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (1, 'Ullrich-Gerhold', 'Mazatenango', 'Assimilated object-oriented extranet', 'Fintone');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (2, 'Olson-Lindgren', 'Dvorichna', 'Switchable demand-driven knowledge user', 'Andalax');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (3, 'Rodriguez, Flatley and Fritsch', 'Palmira', 'Persevering directional encoding', 'Toughjoyfax');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (4, 'Conn-Douglas', 'Rukem', 'Robust tangible Graphical User Interface', 'Flowdesk');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (5, 'Huel, Hettinger and Terry', 'Bulawin', 'Multi-channelled radical knowledge user', 'Y-Solowarm');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (6, 'Torphy, Ritchie and Lakin', 'Wang Sai Phun', 'Self-enabling client-driven project', 'Alphazap');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (7, 'Carroll and Sons', 'Digne-les-Bains', 'Profound radical benchmark', 'Stronghold');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (8, 'Hane, Breitenberg and Schoen', 'Huangbu', 'Function-based client-server encoding', 'Asoka');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (9, 'Ledner and Sons', 'Bukal Sur', 'Visionary eco-centric budgetary management', 'Ronstring');
insert into super_weapons.weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon) values (10, 'Will-Thiel', 'Zafar', 'Robust even-keeled algorithm', 'Tin');
-- Crear etiquetas
create or replace tag security_class comment = 'sensitive data';
--Aplicar etiquetas
alter table super_villains.villain_information set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
alter table super_monsters.monster_information set tag security_class = 'Level B'; alter table
super_weapons.weapon_storage_location set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
--Crear Roles
create role user1;
create role user2;
create role user3;
-- Asignarse funciones con todos los privilegios necesarios
grant role user1 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user1;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user1;
grant role user2 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user2;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user2;
grant role user3 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse compute_wh to role user3;
grant usage on database ff_week_7 to role user3;
grant usage on all schemas in database ff_week_7 to role user3;
grant select on all tables in database ff_week_7 to role user3;
-- Consultas para construir el historial
use role user1;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_villains.villain_information;
use role user2;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_monsters.monster_information;
use role user3;
use database FF_WEEK_7;
select * from super_weapons.weapon_storage_location;
Si no desea crear nuevas bases de datos/esquemas para este desafío…
USE WAREHOUSE <enter_wh_here>;
USE DATABASE <enter_db_here>;
USE SCHEMA <enter_schema_here>;
create or replace table week7_villain_information (
id INT,
first_name VARCHAR(50),
last_name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50),
Alter_Ego VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (1, 'Chrissy', 'Riches', '', 'Waterbuck, defassa');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (2, 'Libbie', 'Fargher', '', 'Ibis, puna');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (3, 'Becka', 'Attack', '', 'Falcon, prairie');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (4, 'Euphemia', 'Whale', '', 'Egyptian goose');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (5, 'Dixie', 'Bemlott', '', 'Eagle, long-crested hawk');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (6, 'Giffard', 'Prendergast', '', 'Armadillo, seven-banded');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (7, 'Esmaria', 'Anthonies', '', 'Cat, european wild');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (8, 'Celine', 'Fotitt', '', 'Clark''s nutcracker');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (9, 'Leopold', 'Axton', '', 'Defassa waterbuck');
insert into week7_villain_information (id, first_name, last_name, email, Alter_Ego) values (10, 'Tadeas', 'Thorouggood', '', 'Armadillo, nine-banded');
create or replace table week7_monster_information (
id INT,
monster VARCHAR(50),
hideout_location VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (1, 'Northern elephant seal', 'Huangban');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (2, 'Paddy heron (unidentified)', 'Várzea Paulista');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (3, 'Australian brush turkey', 'Adelaide Mail Centre');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (4, 'Gecko, tokay', 'Tafí Viejo');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (5, 'Robin, white-throated', 'Turośń Kościelna');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (6, 'Goose, andean', 'Berezovo');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (7, 'Puku', 'Mayskiy');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (8, 'Frilled lizard', 'Fort Lauderdale');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (9, 'Yellow-necked spurfowl', 'Sezemice');
insert into week7_monster_information (id, monster, hideout_location) values (10, 'Agouti', 'Najd al Jumā‘ī');
create table week7_weapon_storage_location (
id INT,
created_by VARCHAR(50),
location VARCHAR(50),
catch_phrase VARCHAR(50),
weapon VARCHAR(50)
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (1, 'Ullrich-Gerhold', 'Mazatenango', 'Assimilated object-oriented extranet', 'Fintone');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (2, 'Olson-Lindgren', 'Dvorichna', 'Switchable demand-driven knowledge user', 'Andalax');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (3, 'Rodriguez, Flatley and Fritsch', 'Palmira', 'Persevering directional encoding', 'Toughjoyfax');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (4, 'Conn-Douglas', 'Rukem', 'Robust tangible Graphical User Interface', 'Flowdesk');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (5, 'Huel, Hettinger and Terry', 'Bulawin', 'Multi-channelled radical knowledge user', 'Y-Solowarm');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (6, 'Torphy, Ritchie and Lakin', 'Wang Sai Phun', 'Self-enabling client-driven project', 'Alphazap');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (7, 'Carroll and Sons', 'Digne-les-Bains', 'Profound radical benchmark', 'Stronghold');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (8, 'Hane, Breitenberg and Schoen', 'Huangbu', 'Function-based client-server encoding', 'Asoka');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (9, 'Ledner and Sons', 'Bukal Sur', 'Visionary eco-centric budgetary management', 'Ronstring');
insert into week7_weapon_storage_location (id, created_by, location, catch_phrase, weapon)
values (10, 'Will-Thiel', 'Zafar', 'Robust even-keeled algorithm', 'Tin');
--Crear etiquetas
create or replace tag security_class comment = 'sensitive data';
--Aplicar etiquetas
alter table week7_villain_information set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
alter table week7_monster_information set tag security_class = 'Level B';
alter table week7_weapon_storage_location set tag security_class = 'Level Super Secret A+++++++';
--Crear Roles
create role user1
create role user2;
create role user3;
-- Asignar las funciones con todos los privilegios necesarios
grant role user1 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse <enter_wh_here> to role user1;
grant usage on database <enter_db_here> to role user1;
grant usage on all schemas in database <enter_db_here> to role user1;
grant select on all tables in database <enter_db_here> to role user1;
grant role user2 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse <enter_wh_here> to role user2;
grant usage on database <enter_db_here> to role user2;
grant usage on all schemas in database <enter_db_here> to role user2;
grant select on all tables in database <enter_db_here> to role user2;
grant role user3 to role accountadmin;
grant USAGE on warehouse <enter_wh_here> to role user3;
grant usage on database <enter_db_here> to role user3;
grant usage on all schemas in database <enter_db_here> to role user3;
grant select on all tables in database <enter_db_here> to role user3;
-- Consultas para construir el historial
use role user1;
select * from week7_villain_information;
use role user2;
select * from week7_monster_information;
use role user3;
select * from week7_weapon_storage_location;
Su respuesta debe ser como la siguiente
Recuerda que si deseas participar:
- Regístrate como miembro de Frosty Friday. Puedes hacerlo haciendo clic en la barra lateral y luego yendo a «REGISTRARSE» (ten en cuenta que unirte a nuestra lista de correo no te proporcionará una cuenta de Frosty Friday).
- Publica tu código en GitHub y asegúrate de que sea de acceso público (consulta nuestra guía si no sabes cómo hacerlo).
- Publica la URL en los comentarios del desafío.
Si tienes alguna pregunta técnica que te gustaría plantear a la comunidad, puedes hacerlo aquí, en nuestro hilo dedicado a estos retos.
Deja una respuesta
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